Saturday, July 19, 2008

The deeper the roots, the higher the reach....

That was the quote I saw on a picture in the Starbucks bathroom as I was washing my hands today.

It really struck me. One of the reasons I am so passionate about children's ministry is because I was so affected by my Christian upbringing. I definitely had my time as a prodigal in high school and college, but when I re-dedicated my life to Christ, I was coming back to a foundation that had been firmly built throughout my childhood years. Things like the inerrancy of Scripture, the deity of Christ, and existance of a literal heaven and hell were not things I struggled to believe, because they had been taught to me as truth from a young age. Even though my tree of life has had some errant branches that needed to be pruned, when I got serious about growth, I already had deep roots.

This doesn't make me special or better than anyone else; it makes me fortunate. It's the reason why I serve in children's ministry today. I want to pass on what I was given. And to all the parents out there, I urge you to do the same. In an age where only 4% of Americans and 9% of Born Again Christians have a Biblical worldview, it is of the utmost importance.

Give your kids the gift of a Biblical, Christian upbringing. They may grumble now (I sure did), but one day they will thank you.

Thanks mom and dad!

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