Friday, July 25, 2008

From Genesis to Revelation

When I find myself in a pattern of behavior that is not God-honoring or downright sinful, I often look back to see "How did I allow myself to get to this point?"

For me, the answer seems to be the same every time: When I started abandoning my daily disciplines of prayer and Scripture reading.

So what are my discipleship partners (including my spouse, my ultimate discipleship partner) doing to keep ourselves on track?

We're reading the Bible in 90 days.

"Can you really do that?"

I think so. WGNR promotes it yearly. Can I do it? I'll let you know in September. So far, so good.

I have read the Bible from cover to cover once before. As I begin again, it is amazing to see how it all fits together, how consistent and faithful our God is, and how everything in the Old Testament points to the New Testament and the coming of Christ. I am really seeing for myself how the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the God of Crystal, too.

Have you read the entire Bible, cover to cover? You should. Whether it's 90 days or a year, make it a priority and start today. If someone told you they had an instruction manual that would answer every situation in life you would ever face, you would want it, right?

You already have it.

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